These guys are the real deal. Their work isn’t some superficial trendy massage . Nyaniso knew exactly how to read my body. I highly recommend you get in contact with them even if you have to drive across the state to see them.
— CJ Burgos

Nyaniso Rahotep

After twenty years in the information technology field, Nyaniso was called to bodywork therapy after years spent rehabilitating a severe leg injury that resulted in knee surgery. A graduate of the well regarded Institute of Psycho-Structural Balance in Culver City CA, he earned his certification in massage therapy in 2017.

Nyaniso endeavors to make bodywork accessible to everyday people, especially in his South Los Angeles community. His Approach is a mixture of modalities both ancient and modern with a clinical yet compassionate ethos to pain management and physical restoration. A UCLA alumni, Nyaniso is currently pursuing a doctorate in Physical Therapy.